For the second half year meeting of the EU ECo project, the partners travelled to the EPFL site in Sion, which included for most for them a train tour along the fantastic Lake Geneva towards the great Swiss mountains.
As the ECo project had been running for one year, more activities had started and it was important to take stock of the project progress and find ways to facilitate even closer collaboration, in order to achieve the best possible results using the combined forces of all the project partners.

At the project meeting first versions of improved SOEC cell, made in the project framework,were presented and their performance discussed. Based on this it was discussed how new concepts and ideas can be integrated in SoA cells and improved performance verified. Specifically, cells with an optimised oxygen electrode structure were developed, fabricated and tested. Optimisation was achieved based on design of structure – i.e. specific structural parameters were defined from previous results of testing and micro structural analysis and aimed for. In addition, cells with an oxygen electrode backbone with subsequent infiltration of the active LSCF component were manufactured. One of the exciting outcomes of the last years combined efforts is a cell version where several partners contributed – what more can one expect from an European project.
Durability testing has starrted at most of the testing sites and first durability trends in different operating modes (galvanostatic, potentiostatic, atmospheric and high pressure) were reported. The foremost ambition now will be a coordination of testing efforts in order to make the best use of the facilities available to the ECo project.
System modelling has progressed substantially since the last half year meeting. A full plant has been proposed and has been evaluated using different operating strategies.
Information about and knowledge gained in the ECo project has already been spread using various channels, such as workshops and conferences, a dedicated brochure and the Hannover fair.
The meeting concluded with a visit to the green technology demo site in Martigny. Even though no SOEC electrolyser was installed (yet), it was impressive to see pilot scale operation of various new technologies such as redox flow batteries, a low temperature electrolyser as well as a car using the hydrogen produced by the electrolyser.
The organisers offered a fantastic framework to the meeting with great views towards the mountains and an impressive lab tour. Thank you very much.
The technical and administrative outcome of the meeting is available for the partnersfrom the ECo intranet.