Final half year meeting

Wednesday 03 Jul 19

The EU ECo project is approaching its closure. The final half-year meeting was organised by the coordinator and held at DTU, Risø Campus. As DTU Energy will move to the main campus in Lyngby in fall 2019, this was not only a farewell to the project but also to the Risø location, which present itself with fantastic weather and nature.

The meeting spirit was very enthusiastic because many activities have now really gained speed and are accelerating towards the final project day. On the other hand, also a shade of sadness was apparent that the collaboration – at least within this project - will come to an end soon.

The meeting agenda was focussed on summarising the work and to getting the last results on board before the end of the project. Furthermore, reporting was discussed in order to provide a good-quality presentation of the whole project for the EU.

Work package 1 succedded to provide numerous versions of improved cell versions with particiaption from all development partners and integration of components and cells into partners’ cells/sstacks/systems. This shows the truly European dimenasion of the project collaboration.

Work package 2 is still extremely active to fill more empty spots in the huge test matrix with durability results. At the end, the ECo project will have delivered substantial results and understanding about durability of cells and stacks under realistic operating conditions – thanks to the immense test work at the testing partners with a good sharing of knowledge and equipment to chieve the most efficient output. Valuable input regarding realistic conditions, specifically about impurities in the CO2 flue gas for co-SOEC was provided through the project.

Work package 3 delivered a very sound picture about the co-SOE plant using electricity from renewable sources, steam, and CO2 from cement or biomass industry to produce methane for storage and distribution in the natural gas network. The outcome is impressive. Favorable operating conditions to maximise methane output and system efficiency were identified, favorable conditions for cost competitiveness and for a maximum environmental benefit were identified and analysed yielding recommendations of optimum local and political frameworks.

Clearly, dissemination of the results in work package 4 has reached a rather comprehensive level. Numerous platforms delivered the ECo concept to a variety of target groups. Examples are the industry fair Hannovermesse, scientific articles, a PhD thesis, and digital articles in European policy community journals.

The progress achieved so far is impressive. Some key results are still expected in the final period. Already at this stage – few weeks before the project end – all partners can be very proud about the outcome.

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